First off, I absolutely LOVED Bastion. Its one of my favorite RPGs to date. Ive played through it at least 10 times now. But even after experiencing every single thing their previous game had to offer, I was consistantely surprised while playing Transistor. The graphics, story, voice acting, gameplay... its all a step up from Bastion (which is INCREDIBLY hard to believe, I know... but its true), and easily one of the most professional and fleshed out games in terms of story and presentation available in the AppStore. Thats not even taking into account the depthy gameplay with loads of customization available depending on how youd like to approach the game. The controls work flawlessly, and if youre not too keen on virtual controls, the game supports MFi controlls as well... I cant recommend this game enough... no matter the price. Its a true gem, and a game that I will be comparing almost all RPGs to in the future.